Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Walking Place

My Walking Place 51/2 x 12 oil on panel  SOLD

This is a painting that was more of a happening than doing a painting. It all fell together very quickly perhaps because walking in this type of wooded area occurs in our grove as well as many places I visit in the area. It isnt lush because many of the trees are old warriors and some are mature with others just gaining their growth spurt. Here on the prairie every tree is a blessing and you will frequently see one tree in an immense field where it has been left to grow among the cultivated field. The winter has been hard on the trees in the grove and broken limbs are laying on the snow so as Spring comes the ground will be littered with winters damage. But...........still enough trees and new growth to make my walk a quiet peaceful one.
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  1. Beautiful! It certainly does look very peaceful. I love the shape of the painting.

  2. Thanks for your recent comment on my blog. I have scrolled thru your work, lovely work. You have an ethereal touch!
