Sunday, June 22, 2014

Circle of Life

Circle of Life  Oil on linen panel, 12 x 12 Sold
This is a Mallard Duck nest, created by the female whose colors blend in perfectly with the dried leaves and grasses. She was a very patient and good egg sitter in my neighbors flower bed. Nothing seemed to frazzle  her. A small tap on her wing and she stepped off long enough for me to snap two photos and then gracefully back and hunkered down over her clutch of 15 eggs.
I titled this Circle of Life because about two days before these were to hatch the nest was raided by a raccoon or skunk giving them food for themselves and young and denying the birth of the next generation of ducklings.
This is the third  in a nest series and I will say to capture the egg color was a challenge, the photo is not quite accurate but the best I could get, they are a bit more greenish.
This was an awesome experience to see and to paint, I feel blessed to have preserved this beauty in a painting.

1 comment:

  1. This is exquisite, Jean, and a special story to go with it! The sticks of the nest lead my eyes through the painting, and the leaves are perfectly delineated -some in detail, some implied with soft edges. This series has truly been outstanding. I know your subject is dear to your heart!
