Monday, February 27, 2012

Lookin for Lunch

Lookin for Lunch 6x6 oil on linen panel
These flying recycle bins are so ugly that you can't help but notice them. They are always on the clean up committee whereever they are.
Just struck me as something that needed to be painted.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Walk Softly

Walk Softly 11x14 oil on canvas
This is a scene from a meadow area in AZ, one of the few I ever saw in the time I was there. It has a quiet elegance as though you would not want to disturb anything  there, rather just enjoy this intimate site.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Snow and Fire

Snow and Fire 6 x 6 inch pastel on sanded paper
This was an unforgetable scene out of the window of the train as we drove through  west to east from Washington state to North Dakota. It just cried, "paint me,paint me" so I did. I am allready thinking of a large version. it was the only color  in many miles but worth waiting for.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

High Water Pond

High Water Pond 20x20 inches oil on linen panel
High water created scenes not seen for a very long time in many areas. This was found when I walked behind a hill at the Retreat Center where I spend much of my summer . This is a morning I took a walk in an area which had been in in accessable   in all the times I had been  to the Center before.  This is what I call being in the right place at the right time something I remain grateful for.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Here Comes the Plow! Here Comes the Plow1

Here Comes the Plow! Here Comes the Plow! 6x12in. oil on linen panel
Our prairie winter has been fairly mild and storm free, however two weeks ago we had high  wind and between 5 and 8 in. of snow, leaving the roads with snow drifts,  and glazed with ice. Out the window we could see the snow plow coming to clear the roads so we could get out again, always a good feeling especially in case of emergency. After a storm the sky usually clears and this is typical of what you would see. This painting came together like magic and has subtle color changes, some not so visible in this photo.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Sharing Path

The Sharing Path 6x8 oil on panel
The title of this comes from time spent at a Paint Away with a small art group that we take each year,  four days of sharing, painting walking and one afternoon at a nearby gallery. This birch  appeared at the side of the path as we went on a walk one afternoon. Very Pristine bark among all the decaying leaves and waining foliage of late fall made it look like someone all dressed up and nowhere to go. These outings are always inspiring and reviewing sketches and photos lets me enjoy it in the middle of winter.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Cottage

The Cottage 10x10 in. oil on linen panel
My first trip to Washington state to visit my son, in spite of rain all but one day I found all the greenery  almost overwhelming. Since we have nearly 9 months of cold or winter on the prairie. Most of all I couldn't believe that all the vines you see in the foreground are wild blackberries. They are considered nothing short of a plague as they grow everywhere. Needless to say in our climate we would be lucky to get them to grow even if we pampered them. So what is one persons poison is anothers good fortune, go figure.