Thursday, July 11, 2013

Nature's Ballerina

Nature's Ballerina 6 x 8 oil on panel
This wild plum tree reminds me of a ballerina  in her beautiful tulle skirt making her debut on the Spring stage. There is a grace and beauty in these trees reminding us that Spring has arrived and showing off their blossoms against a few green buds just opening on the other trees.
This is an example of a "do-over". I had an unsuccessful painting, sanded it down and toned the old painting with the "soup" from the bottom of my paint thinner container, always a neutral grey, sometimes warmer, sometimes cooler. This tone was slightly warm. If you haven't tried doing this, it is a free tone from what you would wipeout and throw away.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea, Jean. I hadn't heard of doing this, yet it makes sense that the "sludge" would have some purpose.
    Your painting is very appealing and delightful!
